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Black Ops 1 Zombie Glitches Ps3 Nacht Der Untoten

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This is achieved by logging into Jason Hudson's account on the terminal.

On the main menu, press 'L2' and 'R2' repeatedly.
After you have done so, you will notice you have broken out of your interrogation chair, and you also can walk around.
Walk behind your chair, and hold down 'square' to the computer.
Once you are in the database, enter the code 'DOA'.
This will unlock Dead Ops Arcade.

Put The Hatch In The Diner If You Want To Get G alva Knuckles on the roof(DINER). I advise against this if you don't have the ladder attached (BUS). EXTRA:UNLESS you R EXPIRIANCED don't PUT THE HATCH ON THE DINER

First go to the bus stop bench and hold square.
Then go to the farm and you will find the seconded teddy.
Finally go to the pub in the town and after finish pressing square on the teddy a song by LMFAO should play. Repeat this multiple times

To stay in the teleporter longer, stay out of the light that projects the movie onto the screen.

In the theater in kino der toten, by the turret there is a plank hanging of the stage on both side of the turret. If you can get on these planks, the dogs cannot get you. Only one person at a time on the planks.

To do this glitch you can not have good Internet connection as it requires a lag switch. So In kino der toten, the barricade is downstairs at the last door the one where you can see into the theater room. You let the zombie in the barricade take all of the planks of except the one that lays horizontal at the bottom. You jump and then crouch on it, then press start and triangle at the same time and you cannot be the host. Then the zombie will kill you and someone has to revive you through the barricade. In five, the barricade is straight across the one with the flag on top and follow procedure. Good luck!

Shoot 4 bullets into the top of the mistery box then go prone don't aim and shoot 4 bullets then enjoy your thunder gun or ray gun

Find the mystery box then buy it then keep on knifein it then you get sick guns(if it does not work you are doeing it wrong so knife it as fast as you can).

Near the hole with the water in it. Go on top of the containers and jump on to the stone. Then you hop right up and your out of the map.

Shoot four bullets to the middle of the box do not aim the prone and shoot the other four bullets in the middle and this time aim.ENJOY the RAY GUN!!!!!

Fist off, after the torturing of the guy at the beginning of the level, throw a grenade down the hallway where the enemies come from when they breach the building. Then, before it explodes, run into the room to the right. Now, Hold square on the cassette player before the grenade explodes and a little earthquake should happen. Then just go on with the mission. Once you get to the part where your team mates push the fridge over go into the room filled with weapons. To the left there should be another cassette player. Hold square again just like the first time and it will make a weird sound. Look on the wall and the Thunder Gun should be there!

As far as I know, this only works in the map Der Reis. First, you must have the power turned on. Now, go over to the Perka-Cola machines and dive to prone in front of them. You will get a free 25 points! This only works once for each machine.

First when you start go to one of the doors where the zombie comes out from knife or shooot all the glass off when you did that rebuild 1 barrier hope it's the bottom one if you get it jump on it at the left corner evuentually you will see urself high up in the sky.

The only zombie map with multiple Musical Easter eggs that players can activate.
Song: Coming Home
How to Activate it: By pressing the action button (X) on the three teddy bears with P.E.S. Masks on. The first on is on a red crate located between tunnel 6 & 11 entrances, near the "Simon Says" computers. The second is near the M16, open the door near the M16 and it should be above the players. The third is found close to the Stamin-Up/Semtex in a hole in the wall, where the helmet should be sticking out.
Song: Re-Damned
How to Activate it: Holding the action button by a computer in the lab next to the door to the Bio-dome.
Song: Coming Home (8 bit version)
How to Activate it: Use the action button (X) on the radio at the end of tunnel 11 on top of..

Song: Pareidolia
How to Activate it: Using the action button on all three meteor fragments. First one is in the spawn area, behind the Quick Revive in a pile of rubble. The second one is by the bride right beside the Juggernaut/Speed-Cola perks. The third one is located within the broken wall slightly across the Stamin-Up vending machine.

Song: Not Ready to Die
How to Activate it: By using the action button on all three meteor fragments. The first is at the spawn area on a set of metal crates, between the water and pathway up to the lighthouse. The second is on the boat with the power switch, it is three floors below the power switch in the dinner area. The third on is in the lighthouse in the room with the PhD Flopper, underneath a small table with a clock on it.

Song: Abracadavre
How to Activate it: Use the action button on all three of the teddy bears holding a sickle. The first one is in the Centrifuge Room, up the stairs, turn right, and on the end of that walkway is the first bear. The second one is near the Lunar Lander closest to the Stamin-Up is a gate; under the red star is a teddy bear. And the third is by the lunar lander past Speed Cola, it is on top of the wall opposite of the mystery box location.

Song: Won't Back Down
How to Activate it: Use the action button on all three red telephones. The first telephone is right next to the quick revive. The second is on a desk in the room with the power switch. And the last one is on the table in the Pack-a-Punch room.

Song: 115
How to Activate it: Use the action button (X) on the three meteor fragments scattered around the map. The first fragment is found in the starting room on the first floor next to the right staircase in a corner. The second can be found n the room between the alley and the stage, it's on the shelf of a book case, with letters on it. And the final one is in the dressing room on a stand leaning up against a few mannequins.

Song: Beauty of Annihilation
How to Activate it: Press the action button on all three of the green glowing jars with spines in them. Two are in the animal testing room, by the stairs going up to juggernaut, and the last is in the room off the side of Teleporter B opposite of the mystery box location.

Song: The One
How to Activate it: Enter the communications hut and find the phone, press and hold the action button (X) and wait. After about 10 seconds or so a voice will answer and the song will begin.

Song - Lullaby of a Dead Man
How to Activate it - By flushing the first toilet (one farthest from the power room) three times.

Ok so you make sure host get down and dies the other player turnes on power and then knive all eleltrick boxes till they spark one is by the teleaporter and the oter one is by the other side where the window is.go to the first room and do the down to the teleaporter and link it then you shoot the tips of the teleaporter things you know the place where the mp40 is go to that bordded door then hold square and then you go to kino der dead you have when you kill thenm you have you teabag them till they die

R you playing one in the chamber on in the on nuketown? Well you should because there is a great camping place there. If you enter the green house you will see a tv. There is a spot behind the tv where someone can crouch. It has a dresser under it. Jump onto the dresser. Go behind tv and crouch

You will be hidden.

To get the raygun on mystery box all I do is buy the box go prone wait for mystery box to stop cycling and I get raygun or a wonder weapon 80% of the time!!!

On the main screen, you press L2 and R2 back and forth until you stand up. Then go to the computer and type DOA. Have fun killing those zombies!

Go to the computer then type in ALICIA then you have your very own virtual theripist if you want to get out of it just type QUIT

Ok... U can do this on anything... Wii, ps3, exbo, excedera excedera now the thing you do is go to Nuke Town... By the yellow house get a care packeg atleast 8 times.... Use it near the yellow hous and make it on 1 pile... Jump up on all of them... Then jump to the outer map(you can't use the vacry rocket to blow up the nuke on nuketown) have fun!!

When you are at the mystery box open the box and quikly press circle right left and shot the box with any gun

To get tons of claymores first buy claymores second put tons of them in a corner where zombies can't get them them like 15 rounds or so later start picking them up if you want but you can only hold 2 at a time. Put thumbs up if working tell friends.

You need three people one goes in a corner lays down and faces directly at the wall. Then the 2nd person runs up hits circle to dive and lands directly on top. Those two need revived now. So thats obviously what the third guy does. Then right after the two need revived the little freaky teddy will go hahahahahahaha byebye or something then just open a few doors (it's somewhere up or down) and BOOM! Mystery. Oh yeah this cheats might give tons of ZOMBIES!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This gun is an awesome and my second favorite gun, I've been using it online since I was at level 29, now I am at Prestige level 2 level 30, this and the Ballistic Knives are really good together.
Ak74U+Warlord perk+Rapid fire+grip.( epic!!)
I would suggest Hacker (because you'll be running around a lot) and Scavenger.
Trust me this is an awesome gun( not recommended for snipers and stealth players, campers not included)

Not 2 hard, i did it on my 1st runthrough on this mission Smile Just DON'T pick up any non dual wielded weapons and you'll get this at the end. Picking up dual wield weapons will not do any damage to not getting this trophy, phew. Also, near the end u automatically pull out a single pistol because you a down. This is when the trophy will pop up so this weapon is excluded from the trophy

To get a virtual therapist get out of the torture chair and go to the computer and type in ALICIA
There you go a therapist for free

Quick revive: On solo, this perk lets you revive yourself and get 2 kl guns whilst down! On multiplayer, it lets you revive people quicker. 10/10 on solo
Juggernaut: This lets you withstand more hits without dying. It cost 2500, but it is definately worth it if you are good at zombies. If not, then it's not worth getting it as you just end up wasting 2500 points. 10/10 if good at zombies.
Speed cola: This awesome perk lets you reload quicker! It's good for all different players, however I am not sure how much it costs (Probably about 2000 points though). 8/10
Stamin-up: This lets you sprint without stopping! Personally, I don't ever get it as when I get surrounded, I shoot instead of run. For those who like legging I from zombies, it will be pretty handy. 5-6/10
PhD f..

It has to be a three player game one person goes in a corner another sprints and leaps on the person laying in the corner if you hear a teddy bear your successful

It has to be three player because once you succeed you need revived.

Step 1: Set up RC Car killstreak.
Step 2: Get a 3 killstreak for the RC Car.
Step 3: Go to a ledge, better where people won't find you.
Step 4: Use your RC Car over and over and it will give you XP and RC Car usage.
If done correctly, it should say "Cannot place RC-XD here" or something like that without the quotes.
This happened to me on Crisis, Hardcore Team Deathmatch on top of the bunker connecting the 2 territories in front of the sandbags (theres a break in them, walk between there and to the left) on the ledge looking at where the 2 tank things that are in the water while crouching. If this doesn't work for you the exact way it did for me, I'm sorry I brought this up.

On Nuke Town on split/multiplayer game make sure it's a private match and get 1kill you get dogs but click dogs but don't use thm yet go 2 the back of the yellow house go in the corner of the fence where 2 trees are in a row sit in corner and the dogs can't get you. Enjoy! Bye

When at the main menu get out of the chair an sit back down and get back up quickly then go to the computer and type NORTH enter then type INTERROGATE THE INTERROGATOR.

O.K., what you do is you go 2 house with the bunk bed and climb 2 the top of it.jump on the door( it might take you more than once to do it).look at your "normal looking hieght"(witch is straight forwards)and shoot out the small window at ther top.look in it. What do you see? The other house`s window!you can easily get a kill if someone is sniping in it! And you can do it un-noticed!

Hello today I will show you codes for the terminal
*warning*any copying will be dealed with carma
*note*sorry for any miss spelled words and the codes might not work your first try so do it again.
1.3arc intel
2.3arc unlock
Thank you I will be coming out with more also send me a friend request

Well you can make a tomahawk bounch off of surfaces so don't think their no use to have it's good to use during cover.

First, go to the window that's near the hallway that's already open you should stock up on some points buy a gun or two then, knife twice on that window build it back up then, jump on it, Zombies won't be able to hurt you up there. And that is my cheat

At Main menu, press L and are triggers rapidly to break out of your chair. Wander around the room to the computer or the arcade.

If your having trouble with getting the trophy "Russian BBQ" which is to kill ten russians in Krevchenko's compound in the mission "Payback," listen here. You have to make sure there dead. If you don't the guy you shot has could get shot or shake off the fire. What I do is watch him fall to the ground to make sure. I then proceed to kill the next unlucky russian with my trusty flamethrower.

Hey guys, my friend and I discovered this while playing one night. We've done this many times and get to rounds 25-30 pretty easily. First off, only knife on round 1. It saves ammo in your pistol for the next couple of rounds. Next, unlock the door in round four to get to the room with the MPL. Have the next person open the door to the MP-40 and Stakeout room. Buy which ever one you want (if you have enough money) and stay there for dogs. After that go into the next room with the MP5 and open the door to the stage. There you can buy the M16 (which upgraded is sweet because it has a grenade launcher and it's full auto, Scarface anybody!) and open the next door back to where you started. Then go in circles around the whole map while the zombies chase you and only kill the zombies in front ..

At the menu when you are picking story multiplayer zombies or options press l and are rapidly and you will get out of your chair. After this you will get a trophy ask me nicely. Walk to the back and you will see a computer press square next to it and type in 3arc unlock you will get all zombie maps 3arc intel for all enemy intel if you want another trophy type dead ops.

When flying around and killing everyone on the map (which is so fun) some maps have areas you can fly behind (say a building) to kill a lock from someone with a Strela 3 or an M72 LAW. Most maps have buildings to (hide) behind, but it's easier to simply fly over the person locking on to you (if you're close enough) because they can't aim 'over their head'.

Many people like using the AK 74u, right? It's the most popular gun in the game. X_x
For all SMG's (minus no grip for MP5K) you can add a grip or rapid fire that increases accuracy and reduces recoil and increases rate of fire tremendously, respectively. My advice to many is to combine grip and rapid fire for those with Warlord, use rapid fire if you have Scavenger (cause you burn through ammo like there's no tomorrow) or grip for those who want easier kills at longer ranges (or less kick from your AK74u).

If you want two attachments to your gun (like AK 74 with red dot and grip or HK 21 with Drum mag and a ACOG sight, for example) the best thing to do is to try having one of your attachments being extended mag or dual mag, so that way you reload less (or faster first load with dual mag). It helps me alot especially with LMG's with extended mag, which adds alot of ammo.

You know how EVERYONE in Demolition uses Flak Jacket? Those with Flak Jacket Pro can toss back grenades without risk of them blowing them to high heavens? Use Semtex. Tired of Hackers seeing your equipment all the time while guarding your objective? Use Equipment Jammer. Tired of Noob-tubers blowing your butt up while you're planting a bomb? Spy Plane. The best perk combo to use is Flak Jacket, Any 2nd tier perk, and Hacker. Bomb the bombers.

When I play Free for All, pick these 3 Killstreaks for an easy win.
1) Spy Plane
2) SR-71 Blackbird
3) Attack Dogs

M60. If you want an easy 200 bulets into enemy plane/helo, the easiest thing is M60 Big Ammo/Grip and target only Chinooks or Cobras. This will make the 200 Bullets challenge easy.

It's quicker if you alternate a class with a Motion Tracker and a class with a Claymore to quickly rack up kills with those items to quickly get Hacker Pro.

For the Sentry Gun challenge where you have to 'kill' it, using Hacker will help you trememdously in finding a Sentry gun to kill, but be aware you don't have Ghost Pro yet, so sentry can still 'see' you and kill you.

Make your killstreaks all care package related killstreaks and share them to make the share 10 killstreak crates challenge breeze on by.

For chucking back nades, just go to the tower on firing range and prone after getting enemy attention. They'll chuck nades at you and all you have to do is sit there and throw them back. Watch out for Semtex, though, but the Flak Jacket should protect you.

For the one where you need to kill 5 People with resupplied frag/semtex nades, just chuck your nades when the battle starts and go from there. If you have Warlord pro, having two grenades makes this easier.

First get out of the torture chair by pressing R1 L1 R1 L1 R1. Then Walk forward and take two lefts. Press square by the computer and type in 'Login'. Then type in AMASON. For the password type in PASSWORD. Sorry but I only know Mason's Login. I'll let you know if I find out another login.

O.K. So to get out of the torture chair press L1 R1 L1 R1 L1. Then walk forward, take a left, take another left and press square by the terminal. Then type in Zork to unlock the Dead Ops Arcade. Then type in 3Ark Unlock (with the space) to unlock "Five". Now if you want to quickly get to those levels type in DOA for Dead Ops Arcade. To play "Five" Quickly type in Five. The long way to acces these maps is by going into zombies and selecting one of the levels under Kino Der

When playing COD Black Ops online there is a way to eliminate almost all of the recoil from your gun.
Simply buy and equip the Red Dot sight attachment, (Reflex has never worked for me) then make your Reticle: "Circle with crosshairs" then change the color to Blue. After that killing people should become very easy. *NOTE* I have found some guns do not work with this hint.

When you complete the following tasks the corresponding map will become available in Zombies mode.
Unlock Kino Der Toten Map:
Available by default.
Unlock Five Map:
Complete Campaign mode.
Unlock Dead Ops Arcade Map:
Play the Dead Ops Arcade game or complete Campaign mode.
Unlock Der Riese Map:
Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Unlock Nacht Der Untoten Map:
Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Unlock Shi No Numa Map:
Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition.
Unlock Verruckt Map:
Enter unique code f..

Get 'five' by finishing campain or simply get out of the chair using r2 and l2 rapidly pressing. Once out of chair look for a computer and put 3arc unlock and you have 'five' and dead opps arcade

There are two ways to get 'five'. Finish campain and get out of the chair using l2 and r2 rapidly. Once out of the chair look for a computer then put in '3arc unlock' and you have 'five' and the 'dead ops arcade'.

How to get out of chair is pres L2 and R2 AND NEXT IS GO TO THE COMPUTER AND TYPE 3ARC SPACE UNLOCK.

The song '115' by Elena Siegman will play when you collect three meteors in the Kino Der Toten level. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a 'dresser' with black marquee letters. The meteors appear as red veined rocks and to collect them hold 'Use' on each meteor until the veins in the rock glow red or your character speaks.

When you shoot the heads off ALL the mannequins that spawn in random positions every round in the Multiplayer map 'Nuketown' the Rolling Stones classic 'Sympathy for the Devil' will play for the rest of the match over the load speakers.

Reach the indicated Prestige level to unlock the corresponding Custom Class Slot. When you have unlocked a slot the pre-set class for that slot will not be available until you Prestige again.
Unlock 6th Slot:
Reach 1st Prestige
Unlock 7th Slot:
Reach 3rd Prestige
Unlock 8th Slot:
Reach 5th Prestige
Unlock 9th Slot:
Reach 7th Prestige
Unlock 10th Slot:
Reach 9th Prestige

Okay then guys, basically, on the middle level, down the stairs, open up the 2 barricades. And now, when the zombies come in, start running around in circles. The zombies will start following you, and because of the speed difference will never catch up with you.
However, because of the layout, then can kind of take shortcuts. So, never ever stop. Turn around sometimes and shoot them, but only for about 3 seconds, and never full our stop moving.
Also, for reasons I do not understand, leave the elevator to the bottom floor on the bottom floor, and spam teleports until you get to the middle floor, and you will not have any gas zombies.
So, don't forget, never stop moving.

When you're level 50 and going to prestige, it is almost certain that you'll have loads of CoD points, and therefore you buy all emblems, layers and such, all the things that you don't loose. But those last ones? Keep 10 000 cod points, and you'll be able to start out with 30 000 in the next prestige. Here's how:
1. Be ready to prestige
2. Enter a "High Roller" wager match
3. When the map is locked, prestige, the game has taken the buy-in
4. Be "In the money"
When you're done with the game, you're a prestige level one, but you start out with all the money you won in the wager match Smile

Contrary to popular belief, you don't lose everything when you prestige. Here's the purchasable things that you keep (there may be more, and it may have changed as of patch 1.04)
-Emblem icons, layers, and Playercard backgrounds
-Having your clan tag and Emblem on a gun (you still need to get the level to put them on, but they'll be free)
-Different Reticules for sighs (confirmed Red Dot Sight)(doesn't save all of them, the top few ones aren't saved, but the rest are) and reticule colours (not lens though)
Things that are reset are:
-Challenges (except lifetime)
-Purchased Guns, Camos, Lens colours, attatchments
-Face Camos
-Perks, and Pro versions
-Lethal Grenades
-Special/Tactical Gren..

This may sound weird, but this is one of the easiest challenges ever. The reason for this is that there is a glitch for this. The thing is that also enemy aircrafts count as enemies, and hitting aircrafts is easy.
The only one a bit tricky these challenges is the Olympia, as it doesn't reach the Aircraft. However, without Steady Aim, you will have a wide spread and it shouldn't be to hard to hit people either.
Here's the strategy for the selection of aircraft:
1. Choose a helicopter, they stay in the air for a long time.
2. If you have it, use ghost pro, as the killstreak reward won't see you.
3. The attack helicopter is the best, as it is the least dangerous helicopter.
Gun types:
Because of poor accuracy on many guns, ta..

Check out the following video to get this Trophy. You must blow up the barrels first otherwise it won't count as a frag kill.

Also see our

Shoot a zombie's legs off in Round 4 on the 'Five' map in Zombies mode so it is crawling around before the round ends. When you do this you will give yourself more time to turn the power on. The Thief shows up randomly after you turn the power on. The strategy used in the following video was done in Single-Player mode.

To locate this device which allows upgrades to the majority of the weapons found in the zombie mode you need to make a crawler and go into the middle room and adjust the DEFCON level to DEFCON 5. ALL teleporters will take you to the Presidential Suite where you will find ALL the switches in that room (3 are upstairs and 1 is downstairs). When you have hit ALL four switches a 'Panic Room' will unlock and the Pack-A-Punch machine is located in there.

you repeatly press R1 and R2 really fast then you'll get out and then go to the computer behind the chair if you want if you do put(Zork or DOA or FIVE) those are the map packs

Recieve the following bonuses by reaching the indicated Level/Prestige.
Create A Class:
Reach Level 4
Reach Level 5
Clan Tag:
Reach Level 6
Game Mode Challenges:
Reach Level 8
Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems:
Reach Level 10
Combat Record:
Reach Level 13
Medal Challenges:
Reach Level 15
Gun Emblems:
Reach Level 16
Gun Tag:
Reach Level 19
Elite Challenges:
Reach Level 20
Reach Level 22
Custom Reticules:
Reach Level 25
Custom Lenses:
Reach Level 28
Final Challenges:
Reach Level 30
Reach Leve..

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and enter the case sensitive command 'rlogin' (without the quotes). When prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access enter the following usernames and passwords to continue.
Login as Robert Oppen:
Username: roppen
Password: trinity
Login as Vannevar Bush:
Username: vbush
Password: majestic1

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and type the case sensitive command 'login' (without the quotes). When you are then prompted to login with an account enter the following usernames and passwords. Documents are accessed with the 'dir' command and email with the 'mail' command.
Bruce Harris
Username: bharris
Password: goskins
D. King
Username: dking
Password: mfk
Adrienne Smith
Username: asmith
Password: roxy
Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush
Password: manhattan
Frank Woods
Username: fwoods
Password: philly
Grigori 'Greg' Weaver
Username: gweaver
Password: gedeon
J. Turner

At the title menu, use your analogue stick to look down at the characters hands. Push L2 & R2 so your character struggles. Continue pushing L2 & R2 until your character breaks free.
Then walk around the room until you find an old computer that has a "press and hold square" prompt.
Once the keyboard appears in the top right hand corner, enter the word ZORK - and press enter.
the ZORK mini-game then pops up on the computer monitor after you're told you've unlocked it. Zork is a texted based RPG game.
All you need to do in Zork is type in the actions you wish to do; ie; "Open door" or "walk to window" just experiment by typing in actions that you feel apply to the scenario the game has given you.
congrats, you've unlocked the ZORK mini game.

At the title screen, move your analogue stick so you're looking down at your arms.
Then press L2 & R2 - you'll notice the character starts to struggle. Simply continue to struggle until you're character has broken free of the straps.
Then walk around the room until you find an old computer. You'll see a prompt saying "press and hold square to activate" - do that, then using the keyboard, enter in DOA and then hit enter.
Congrats, you've just unlocked the Dead Ops arcade game.

To get out of the chair hit L2 and R2 4 or 5 times. You will get out of the chair and get a trophy called "Just ask me nicely". Then go over to a old computer press spuire to get on the computer. Then tipe in ZORK and you will get a new game mode and a trophy called "Eaten by a grue". Thats all i got so far when i get more ill put more on here.

Below is a great video showing you some of the available weapons in the game and what they look like.

We've put together an awesome Intel Locations guide as part of our complete Black Ops guide.
Each Intel Location is spotted with an individual video and text description of how to collect it.
To go to our Intel Locations Guide just follow this link:'s Black Ops Intel Locations Guide

Below is a list of the perks and their corresponding effect.
Tier 1
Flak Jacket:
Reduces explosive damage
Flak Jacket Pro:
Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades
Get ammo from fallen enemies
Scavenger Pro:
Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies
Harline Pro:
Change the contents of a Care Package
Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird
Ghost Pro:
Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted
Killstreaks require one less kill
Move faster
Lightweight Pro:
No fall damage

To be able to access early unlockables and hidden features in the game use the Right analog-stick to look down at your hand when you are locked up at the 'Title' screen. Then keep pressing L2 + R2 to escape the chair (this also unlocks the 'Just Ask Me Nicely' Secret Trophy) and move to the area behind your chair where you will find an old computer terminal that you can plug a USB keyboard into your Playstation 3 and type one of the following case sensitive codes (without the quotes) to enable the corresponding effect.
Unlock ALL Missions, 'Five' Zombie Mode Mission, Dead Ops Arcade Game, Zork Game:
Enter '3arc Unlock' as a code.
Unlock ALL Intel:
Enter '3arc Intel' as a code. Enabling this code will prevent you from getting the 'Closer Analysis' Trophy.

Unlock the following bonuses by getting the indicated number of kills in Multiplayer mode.
3 kills (strapped with explosives remote control car)
Spy Plane:
3 kills (on the mini-map shows enemies; can be shot down)
SAM Turret:
4 kills (airdrop a placeable SAM turret to destroy enemy aircraft)
Counter Spy Plane:
4 kills (temporarily disables enemy mini-map)
Care Package:
5 kills (airdrop a random killstreak or ammo crate)
Napalm Strike:
5 kills (aircraft covers an area in Napalm)
Sentry Gun:
6 kills (airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun)
Mortar Team:
6 kills (target 3 locations to bombard with Mortar Strikes)
Valkyrie Rockets:
7 kills (launcher wi..

Below is video of the Gun Game Wager match along with a list of ALL weapons.

1 - Python with Multiple Attachments
2 - Makarov Dual Wield

Black Ops 1 Zombie Glitches Ps3 Nacht Der Untoten
