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Tips on Call of Duty Black Ops 4

Multiplayer Tips and Tricks

The Black Ops 4 Multiplayer features fourteen maps, six modes, and all 10 Specialists. Use this guide to get all the best tips and trick you will need for Black Ops 4 Multiplayer..

What's New in Black Ops 4


Before you jump into Black Ops 4, it's important to know about all the significant changes this iteration of Black Ops makes to its multiplayer formula.

  • 100% Boots on the Ground
    • The only exception to this is Ruin's special issue Grapple Gun.
  • No automatic health regeneration
    • Tap the associated button with health regeneration to use your stim. It has a brief cooldown, so use it wisely.
  • Fog of War on the mini map
    • Your vision on the mini map is clouded by the Fog of War unless you have specific tools to reveal parts of the area you're not in, like Recon's Sensor Dart.

The Best Tips For Destroying Your Opponents In The New Heist Game Mode

  • Much like most strategical game modes in Call of Duty, communication is vital to your team's success in the Heist.
  • Stick together with your teammates and ensure that your loadouts compliment one another, especially when it comes to selecting your equipment.
  • Take it slow and don't rush the cash bag. Hang back and take out your enemies one by one for the best results.
  • Purchasing Body Armor is a must, as protection from those extra few shots could be the difference between winning and losing a round.
  • Try to save your initial $500 for Round 2, as chances are most of your opponents will be using their pistols during the first round too.
  • When spending your cash, make sure you consider all possible options. If you don't want to spend your cash on an item that you will not use, save it for the later rounds to make those rather expensive upgrades much more affordable.
  • Ammunition and Health are key to surviving each round, especially since both supplies are very limited and hard to come by. For this reason, ensure that you always pick up any Health and Ammo stashes that you may find scattered across the map.
  • With no respawns allowed during each round, ensuring that you always have at least one health pack on you at once can be vital to your team's success.
  • Unless additional Ammo is purchased in the loadout, each round you will only be provided with one magazine for your weapon, making those additional Ammo packs essential.


Memorize Each Map & Know The Best Areas To Take Down Enemies

Whether it is the narrow pathways that lead you through coffee shops and delis in Seaside, the large centralized hangar at the launch facility in Payload, or the narrow water channel that winds through the center of Contraband, each of the fourteen maps all have two very prominent features -  close quarter combat and centralized areas that are often the focal point of the action.

When you first start to play, it is important to scope out and analyze each map as it is a key component to succeeding in the Call of Duty series. Knowing where each focal point of action takes place – such as the shopping lane that leads to the Church in Seaside – while also discovering key areas that can potentially help you take out enemies from afar or even flank them in populated areas, can seriously give you the upper hand over your opponents.

Taking this tip into consideration when selecting a Specialist can also significantly benefit your team and even your own kill count. When analyzing the maps, you'll find that each map is designed specifically to utilize your Specialist abilities.

  • Seaside: Recon's Sensor Dart can be utilized by your team to help locate enemies throughout the tight confines of the city as you fight amongst a range of shops and narrow streets.
  • Contraband: The stack of supply crates sitting on top of the centralized bridge are ideal for Ruin's Grapple Gun and Grav Slam abilities, as his 1-2 punch can easily clear the entire center of the bridge.
  • Payload: The large hangar featured in Payload is a major focal point of action, however, with limited entrances, Torque's Barricade and Razor Wire act as great enemy deterrents, and are especially useful when protecting areas in objective modes.
  • Frequency: Full of tight corners and confined spaces, Nomad's K-9 Unit and Mesh Mine abilities thrive on this particular map and can easily take down enemies as they navigate the close quarters.
  • Gridlock: Tight corners and limited cover makes Ajax the ideal Specialist for this map. With medium-to-close range gunfights, Ajax's Ballistic Shield and 9-Bang abilities can come in handy when trying to push into some rather dangerous situations.
  • Hacienda: Unlike other maps, you'll quickly come to find that Hacienda's action isn't just centralized to the courtyard of the large Spanish two-story villa, but instead spread across the maps three rather distinct routes. Whether it's navigating along the tight corners of the pool, flanking opponents through the lined vineyard, or taking advantage of those elevated positions and long spacious corridors, Hacienda is the perfect map to breakout those medium-to-long distance weapons. Utilizing Firebreak's Reactor Core and Purifier and/or Battery's Cluster Grenade and War Machine, you'll find that these two Specialists really thrive in Hacienda.

Select A Specialist And Learn How To Best Use Their Abilities

When selecting a Specialist, the first things that usually come to mind are how you can best provide assistance to your team and win the match. However, little do you realize just how powerful Specialists can be when their abilities are combined into one almost unstoppable force.


One thing that should be noted though before creating a class is that Special Issue Equipment doesn't cost you a single point in the Pick-10 system. This is why Special Issue has become one of the most popular pieces of Equipment amongst the community.

With 10 Specialists available to choose from throughout the game, here are several Specialist combos that will help you and your teammates dominate on the battlefield.

Ajax & Ruin

  • Ajax and Ruin are the perfect combination for those tricky objective modes, as enemies will often know exactly where you are coming from and will be well prepared. In order to break their defenses, Ajax's Ballistic Shield can help create a cover and path for your team. As the enemies focus their attention on Ajax's shield, Ruin can use this distraction by Grappling into the center of the objective and unleashing his Grav Slam ability upon the unsuspecting enemies.

Crash, Torque, & Firebreak

  • Crash, Torque, and Firebreak seem like quite the unlikely trio, however, when used correctly with the right communication, their defense will challenge even the most skilled players. When playing in Objective Modes, Torque is a vital asset to the team as his Barricade and Razor Wire can be used to cover narrow pathways and entrances while also providing much-needed cover. As your team continues to defend your objective, Crash will act as the teams very own personal medic, providing the necessary heals and much-needed ammo.This is where Firebreak comes in, as his Reactor Core and Purifier abilities make him a deadly weapon when confined to small areas. As enemies suffer from the emitted radiation field, the lethal flamethrower will finish off any remaining enemies in the area.


Battery & Recon

  • There is nothing worse than not know where your enemies are, this is why Recon is a vital part to any team. Recon's Sensor Dart reveals all enemies within a set proximity, making it a must-have ability when working in close quarters. Once Recon can unleash his Vision Pulse, all team members will now have eyes on all enemies. This is when Battery gets to shine, as his Cluster Grenade and War Machine abilities can devastate teams – especially when there are multiple enemies in one area as he releases a flurry of grenades.

Play To Your Weapons Strengths & Learn Their Unique Traits

Unlike previous years, this time around Treyarch has used a rather different strategy when designing weapons for Blacks Ops 4, as all weapons are now considered unique. Each weapon has a specific profile that it will follow, along with a specific set of attachments that will be unique to that particular weapon.

  • In order to successfully master each weapon, it is highly recommended that you use each weapon exactly how they are intended to be used. If a weapon is good at medium-to-long distances, stick to these ranges.
  • One of the biggest weapon mechanic changes to occur in Black Ops 4 is how weapon recoil is now handled. Taking a much more tactical approach, each weapon will now behave the same way every time you fire, as the newly designed Predictive Recoil System now adds predictable recoil patterns to all weapons.
  • Instead of being completely random, bullets will now travel in a variety of specific and pre-determined directions. Not only will this allow you to better control your weapons when firing, it can also act as a major reward to those that take the time to master each weapon and their specific recoil patterns.


  • Among the changes that were made to the gun mechanics, players will also notice that weapons will now work on a Ballistics System. It is important to note that unlike previous games in the series, bullets will now take time to travel to the target, rather than just impacting immediately.
  • You may also want to think twice before attaching a suppressor to your weapon, as this time around, the suppressor is much more of a flanker's tool. Playing into the newly redesigned Fog of War mini map system, the suppressor is now recognized on the mini map when firing at enemies who have you within their line of sight.

Don't Forget To Pick Up Weapons & Utilize Crash's Ammo Pack

  • Stuck searching for ammo after lengthy kill-streaks? Try picking up the weapons of fallen enemy opponents to gain a nicely well-loaded weapon.
  • Alternatively, if you would prefer to use your own loadout, try using the Scavenger Perk which will replenish ammo from fallen players.
  • Picking up weapons from fallen opponents is also a great tip for anyone running a loadout with a sniper or shotgun and would prefer a secondary weapon other than a pistol.
  • When it comes to support Specialists, Crash has some of the best weapons and abilities that your team should take full advantage over. By utilizing Crash's Ammo Pack, you will not only receive additional ammunition, but you'll also receive 25 extra score points for each enemy killed with that particular mag. The player responsible for using Crash will also receive 50 additional score points per player that uses the Ammo Pack, along with 25 points for each enemy killed with the additional ammunition.

Select Your Attachments Carefully & Don't Forget To Apply Your Operator Mods

As we have learned already, the weapons within Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 are more unique than ever before, not only do they have their own Attachment tree, but many will also have the ability to add Operator Mods.

  • Operator Mods are unique attachments that are specific to each weapon. Such an example can be seen with the Vapr-XKG, as the Operator Mod attaches a knife to the end of your weapon, essentially turning it into a Bayonet. When attaching the Mod to a Spitfire, the weapon will receive a substantially increased fire rate.
  • In order to attach an Operator Mod, you will need to equip the Primary or Secondary Operator Mod Wildcard. Be prepared though, as the Wildcard will cost one Pick-10 point, along with another two for the Operator Mod.
  • When selecting attachments for your weapons, it is also important that you take into account the weapons overall profile and trait, as you will want to ensure that the weapon is being used how it was intended and to its highest potential.

Equipment Is Now Rechargeable


Unlike previous games in the Call of Duty series, Blacks Ops 4 has a rather unique approach to Equipment – they are all rechargeable. Each item of Equipment can be used multiple times should you stay alive long enough. However, the only catch is that some items take much longer to recharge than others.

The Pick-10 system also returns in Black Ops 4, allowing players to choose from a total of 10 different items within their loadout. However, Special Issue Equipment is not bound by this system, as it does not count towards the Pick-10 total.

At the time of writing, it seems to be a general consensus amongst the Call of Duty community that the best use of the Equipment slot - during the first 25 levels - is Special Issue as it utilities the unique Equipment that is assigned to each Specialist.

  • Special Issue – Unique equipment assigned to each Specialist.
  • Trophy System – Destroy enemy lethals, tacticals, and explosives within 10-meters. High velocity missiles have a chance to penetrate this system.
  • Concussion– Disorients enemies and slows movement.
  • Molotov – Explodes on impact. Spreading flames over a small area.
  • Frag – Explodes after a short fuse. Can be cooked by holding (Equipment button).
  • Combat Axe – Retrievable axe that kills instantly on impact.


Selecting The Right Gear Can Be A Complete Lifesaver

Gear, which could be best described as a fourth perk, gives the player the option to choose from five different game-altering items. From increased body protection, instant healing, and easier to hear enemy movement, it is safe to say that Gear, at times, can be a complete lifesaver.

While all Gear options provide the player with quite a substantial advantage, there are three particular options that really give you an edge over your opponents – Stim Shot, Equipment Charge, and Body Armor.

  • Stim Shot – Is best used by those with an aggressive playing style and enjoy a bit of action, as the instant healing ability and faster recharge time can really come in handy.
  • Equipment Charge  – Those that enjoy a faster style of gameplay will definitely enjoy this Gear, as it charges Specialist weapons and equipment much faster than the standard recharge time.
  • Body Armor – When it comes to extra protection, Body Armor is the ideal piece of Gear for those that enjoy rushing or simply lying low. Protection from those extra few shots can really alter your playing style.

The Best Ways To Rank Up Fast In The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Multiplayer

Let's face it, nobody wants to spend countless hours grinding away at levels, especially when there are much better solutions to gaining faster XP.

  • Medals are arguably one of the fastest ways to earn XP in Black Ops 4. Simply put, medals are an in-game achievement that is unlocked upon completing a specific task. Whether its seeking revenge on an enemy, blowing up enemies with your RC-XD, delivering first blood, or even scoring a victory, players can expect to receive upwards of 500 XP per medal.


  • Despite Team Deathmatch often being a fun way to earn those rather impressive kill counts, Hardpoint and Domination have proven to be the fastest XP earning game modes available. These modes will not only earn you XP for killing enemies, but you'll also be awarded bonus XP for capturing the objectives.
  • Black Ops 4 is all about those getting kill assists, and while they may not be as glamorous as straight up kills, they do provide you with a rather substantial amount of XP that can quickly add up.
  • Using the likes of Recon's Sensor Dart and Vision Pulse abilities will often earn you bonus XP when spotting incoming enemies.

Tips on Call of Duty Black Ops 4
